Area Of Usage / MARINE
There are two types of cooling systems direct and two phase(indirect) cooling. Direct cooling is free of problems, and sutiable for engines that are originally designed as sea engines. Cylinder blocks and other equi›pments having circulating water in it, are protected by compounds and zincs. All external sea engines and small powerful internal enngines are made in this way. A sea pump triggered by engine absorbs and circulates the water in the engine so cooling is achieved. This pump is designed in the way of being able to make cooling in such situations that the engine operates hard. That is why in normal usage, the engine never reaches ideal operating temperature and works cold. Because of this, with a by-pass line and a thermostat, there are some appliances are developed to provide enough engine heating and control the flow rate of water sent to the engine.![](/icerik_images/mit_deniz_1.jpg)
In two stages cooling systems, utility water circulates in the engine ( just like in land vehicles and stationary industry engines) so internal parts of the engine are protected from the effect of the sea water. The sea water pump triggered by the engine, transfers sea water to the MIT Plate Heat Exchanger. The hot utility water coming from the engine, circulates in the plates and gets cold with the help of sea water and turns back to engine.
In central cooling systems, sea water is used for cooling the freshwater circulation line which is placed in the seconder side. This cooled freshwater acts as a cooler liquid in Heat Exchangers which need to be cooled. These Heat Exchangers are mostly used in circulation line and engine water cooling. Using fresh water in seconder circuit, lessens corrosion and wear in circuit components which are placed in machine strokes. Moreover, it decreases back up and maintenance costs to minumum levels. With MIT Plate Heat Exchangers, your system will be safer and more durable.![](/icerik_images/mit_deniz_2.jpg)
MIT Plate Heat Exchangers presents best suitable solutions for all capacities. Moreover, they keep your first investment cost in minumum levels. With their different plate angels and variety, our Heat Exchangers can operate in all systems with full performance . We can present plates like stainless steel and titanium in certain standarts or different plate materials suitable for your needs. In marine sector, it is possible to use both standart frames and frames that are specifically produced for the sector such as aluminum and aluminum compound light frames.
The biggest problem of marine sector is over corrosivity of sea water.MIT Plate Heat Exchangers having complete titanium and titanium compound 316 plates, are always with you in the solution of this problem. MIT Plate Heat Exchangers have such plates, gaskets and frames that are suitable for all processes needed in a ship.
Other Cooling Applications In a Ship:
Main Engine Cooling, Lubrication Oil Cooling, Camshaft Cooling, Fuel Oil Heating, Water Distilation Cooler