Problems and Solutions / Steam System Exchangers
I- Problem and Solution:
"Can nat getting enough temperature from hot water side"
- Make sure that connection of heat exchanger is true.- Make sure that sending enough steam rate from steam boiler to heat exchanger.
- It could be air tightness because of hot water side works in a closed circuit, make sure that there is running airventing system on the highest point of the system.
- Make sure there is running thermostatic valve on the heat exchanger.
- Make sure steam and condensate is selected true and in operation.
II- Problem and Solution:
"Detonation sounds is heard while heat exchanger running"
- There is ram stroke in heat exchanger. Plates and gaskets can be deformed in short time by ram stroke. Therefor shut down the system and turn off the valvesIII- Problem and Solution:
"The two fluid passing through heat exchanger is mixing"
- One or more plates may be drilled. Mixing problem is not about gaskets.- Turn off all input and output valves of heat exchanger. Contact with service department.